Since 2010 Manurewa High School has been running an academic counselling programme, which has seen the school make significant progress in all areas of the National Certificate of Educational Achievement. Manurewa High School has based its Academic Conferences programme around the research of the University of Auckland Starpath research organisation. 

What does it involve? 

  • In depth data analysis of subjects and individual standards and assessments at teacher, HOD and SLT level.
  • Data collation that centralises our tracking of student assessment results, especially in relation to asTTle data in conjunction with NCEA. This leads to better understanding and realistic target setting.
  • An academic counselling programme run through the kaitiaki as the significant adult, with support from the whaanau Leaders, whaanau Deans and Deputy Principals. Kaitiaki are expected to have academic conversations with their students on a regular basis and act in the capacity of a learning mentor.
  • Akoranga Conferences where the kaitiaki, parent and child meet to discuss the academic progress of the student and set SMART goals for future learning.
  • Subject teachers set targets for students and track their progress throughout the year.
  • Regular opportunities for parents to engage in school learning activities and be up skilled in their own knowledge of the curriculum and NCEA.

Akoranga Conferences

Akoranga Conferences are usually held in early May and later in the year as part of the option checking process. The student conferences are held within the whaanau structure and aim to develop key competencies for each student in collaboration with their families and the school. It emphasises the desire to all work together to enable learners: 

  • to establish a Personal Education Plan with learning and extra curricula goals and targets
  • to be supported and challenged when setting goals and identifying future career pathways.
  • to develop the capability to manage, reflect and re-define on their own goals.
  • families to feel supported with their childs goals, expectations and needs in the school.

The strength of this partnership can help determine the level of success a learner has at school and can be used to encourage them to engage in and take ownership of their learning.