By connecting students, alumni, business and tertiary educators through partnerships, the MHSBA aims to transform the lives of MHS students, and through them, the lives of their families and communities
To awaken the courage, creativity and perseverance that will drive the businesses of the future
Through their education at the Manurewa High Business Academy, students will be encouraged to:
- Sense, value and seize opportunities to succeed.
- Develop the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes needed to be successful in business.
- Cultivate a strong sense of purpose and belief in their unique abilities, identities and cultures.
- Learn to adapt to and be resilient in the face of change.
- Appreciate the value of networks for enabling opportunities and solutions.
- Become role models for future generations of students.
In 2012, when Manurewa High School's Caring and Co won the top awards of Company of the Year and Managing Director of the Year in the Young Enterprise Scheme, the business world began to take notice.
A group came together, led by alumni John and Leonie Hynds of the Hynds Group, and was inspired by the potential for creativity, enterprise and entrepreneurship to transform the lives of many more South Auckland students and their families. This was seen as an important initiative not only for Manurewa, but for New Zealand society as a whole.
Planning work explored the vision, governance, and leadership among critical aspects of the establishment of a dynamic Business Academy – one that would have positive impact for generations to come. A foundation board of trustees was established. The current board is:
- John Hynds, MHS Alumni, Founding Director, Hynds Group (Chair)
- Andrew Patterson, Business Broadcaster
- Prof. Doug Carrie, Associate Dean, University of Auckland Business School
- Caroline Casey, former Talent Manager, Fonterra
- Mark Bentley, Director, Alumni Relations and Development, University of Auckland
- Ian Musson, Head of Maaori Engagement, Young Enterprise Trust
- Leanne Gibson, Executive Director
- Ryan King, MHS Alumni
- Jacinta Talia’uli, MHS Alumni
- School Principal, Pete Jones
- Richard Thornton - Board of Trustees representative
Achievements and milestones
- 2012 - Caring and Co’s wins top national awards in Young Enterprise.
- 2013 - Ohu Honey – wins two national awards in Young Enterprise.
- 2014 - Black Bulb Co – wins the Business and Enterprise Award in the Prime Minister’s Pacific Youth Awards, and is selected for the Young Enterprise “Venture Up” (business accelerator) programme.
- 2015 - Ryan King as first recipient of the Hynds Scholarship – wins the First Foundation Trustees Award and is runner up in the EY Business Student of the Year Award. He also leads the Commerce Association of Pacifica and Maori students at his university and is selected for the Stanford University ASES programme.
- 2016 – Business Academy alumni demonstrate their willingness to give back, as guest speakers and mentors to current students, and through provision of more university scholarships (the Halse Family and Mike Bennetts).
- 2017 - Graduates of the Business Academy are now supporting learning programmes in school, sharing their pathways experiences and passion for business. The business partnership network grows to include EY, ANZ Bank, ASB Bank, Nestle and Vodafone.
- 2018 – A partnership with The Southern Initiative leads to the setup of Makerspace, a new learning environment with digital fabrication tools to inspire students’ creative, entrepreneurial skill sets.
- 2019 – A partnership with Mainfreight and Hynds leads to the creation of a Passport to Employment course where a Year 13 class experience two days paid in the workplace, and a three-day in-school programme.
- 2020 – post-Covid, the Business Academy prioritises a Horticulture enterprise, Maara Fresh, serving the school and wider community with organic produce grown onsite.
- 2021 - The Passport to Employment programme has developed to two classes for 2022 with new parters Ingram Micro and Lineage.
- 2021 - Foundation North funding supports continuation of our Makerspace after-school programme for three years, and provides for a Growth opportunity to commercialise Makerspace production via our platform, Manu-Toi.
- 2021 - Westpac NZ Govt Innovation Fund supports our initiatives to prepare young people for their Future in Work.
- 2022 - The Prime Minister opens the Business and Learning Hub - Te Pae Tata.
- 2023 - Developing programmes for Papakura High School
- 2024 – Celebrated the work done by the Business Academy with a Thank You event hosted by the Hynds Foundation
The Business Academy is a hub for business learning, employment pathways and for curriculum connection across all learning areas.
Download our Past, Present, Future brochure
If you would like to be involved, as a supporter, mentor, or sponsor, please email:
Ryan King - Executive Director