Manurewa High School

BOT Student Representative - Arnav Prasad

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This award is part of the Lion Foundation Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) awards.

Lar has been selected for the award for his excellent leadership of Caring & Co (see our other article about Caring & Co's good work).

NZICA are also running a peoples choice award where the winner gets an iPad for their school.

The finalists are (in alphabetical school order)

         Nick Allison, Garin College, Nelson
         Matthew Hanson, Kingsway School, Auckland
         Lar Sua, Manurewa High School, Auckland
         Sophie Green, Rangi Ruru Girls School, Christchurch
         Chance August, Springbank School, Keri Keri.

There is an opportunity to generate some votes for Lar and to secure a free iPad for the School.

To vote all you need to do is find NZICA MD of the Year from
Or you/ could click straight through on