Visit the Pathways Department for expert advice, latest publications from tertiary providers, scholarships, job vacancies, courses, leaver forms, licence opportunities, work experience, Gateway, or STAR courses. Located next to E0 classroom and we are open from 8am -4pm every school day with bookings made available by emailing first. Please email to [email protected] to connect with the team about queries, opportunities & more. 

The Team

Miss Joy Williams – Head of Learning Area / Pathways Adviser

DDI 09 956 63218 Email: [email protected]
Head of Pathways team and Pathways Adviser for years 9-13. Specialises in working with Y13 students on pathway planning into tertiary study or work.
Available for individual, group and whaanau interviews by appointment.

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Mr Neil Craik - Pathways Adviser

Phone: 269 0690 Email: [email protected] 

Pathways adviser for years 9-12’s. Specialises in working with Y12 students on pathway planning into year 13 options or if not returning possible pathway options..

Available for individual, group and whaanau interviews by appointment.
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Celeste McMillan  - Workplace Learning Coordinator 

Phone: 269 0690  Email: [email protected] 

Responsible for assisting year 12 and 13's into workplace programmes through Gateway and STAR 

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 Isabella Hormes - Pathways Support

Phone: 269 0690 Email: [email protected] 

Responsible for general administration for the department, Pathways Expo, Driver’s licence , customer service and general administration for the department.

Useful Links

Studylink LogoGiveme LogoMoneyhub LogoCareersnz Logo
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